May 11, 2009

Bento for iPhone

Delicious Looking iPhone App

Bento For iPhone

May 6, 2009

Panchanga for iPhone

Panchanga is the Traditional Indian Calendar - which is a combination of Solar, Lunar and Astral

(For those who are confused with the spelling: Panchanga is the Sanskrit word, and Panchang is the same word accented in Hindi)

There a very nice iPhone applications which is rich in graphics, lets you customize to your time-zone

May 5, 2009


The New York Time explains who was responsible for the '@' , which is seen in all Email Addresses

....... in 1971 when an engineer named Ray Tomlinson decided to use it in the first e-mail address to send the first e-mail. As Mr. Tomlinson himself has explained in a description of that first e-mail:

I chose to append an at sign and the host name to the user’s (login) name. I am frequently asked why I chose the at sign, but the at sign just makes sense. The purpose of the at sign (in English) was to indicate a unit price (for example, 10 items @ $1.95). I used the at sign to indicate that the user was “at” some other host rather than being local.

In case you’re wondering, Mr. Tomlinson says that he has no idea what the first few successfully transmitted e-mail messages said:

I sent a number of test messages to myself from one machine to the other. The test messages were entirely forgettable and I have, therefore, forgotten them.

May 4, 2009

iPhone Camcorder - Coming Soon!

According to an article in BusinessWeek today, which strings together a number of events to make the bold prediction that we are "about six weeks away from the next big thing." It argues that Apple is on the cusp of turning the iPhone into a powerful camcorder that would get rid of cumbersome cables and complicated video-editing software."My gut tells me Apple will make the iPhone a one-stop studio for recording, editing, viewing and sharing your own videos. Actually, more than my gut. I've spoken with a source that is familiar with Apple's plans for the next iPhone, which may well be announced at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in early June."

A related Image Courtesy of Macrumors:

May 3, 2009

Washingtonians have a Baraat ceremony WIth Elephant & Horse

Washington Business Journal - May 1, 2009

Click here to find out more!
Business News - Local News

D.C. wedding involves elephant, street closure

Washington Business Journal - by Tierney Plumb Staff Reporter

An unlikely scene is planned for DeSales Street Friday afternoon when an elephant and white horse make their way to a wedding at theRenaissance Mayflower Hotel on Connecticut Avenue NW.

The animals are part of a traditional Indian marriage taking place at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

Washingtonians Shilpa Maheshwari and Neil Agarwal will have a traditional Baraat ceremony -- which requires the groom to arrive on an elephant.

The extravagant entrance required parade and public space permits.

DeSales Street will be closed, between Connecticut Avenue and 17th Street, starting at 4 p.m. to prepare for the procession, which is scheduled for 4:45 p.m.

Agarwal and his family will proceed from the corner of DeSales Street and Connecticut Avenue to meet the bride’s family at the hotel’s 17th Street driveway.

The elephant, which has Hindu religious significance, came from a New York company called All Tame Animals.

The father of the bride put in his fair share of wedding work, filing the pile of paperwork needed to legally put on the production.

He worked directly with the Department of Homeland Security and seven other agencies to close the streets and got permits from the Department of Health and Department of Consumer Affairs.

April 4, 2009

What is Your Money Worth Today

Tax Time is nearing, and after paying off Uncle Sam, one wonders what is the value of the money thats left over.

Value of money declines over time -  So we should know the  'Time Value of Money' or TVM.

I helps to know the Inflation rates to find out the value, be it Looking-Forward, or Looking-Back.

February 4, 2009

Dear Kamen's Car Dream

I would love to see an all electric car, with renewable energy powered or with highly economical regenerative systems.

Dean Kamen is upto something with the Think Car. He modded an original Ford Prototype with a Stirling Engine as a range extender

Image From

January 31, 2009

Madras Shirt

I am not up-to date with fashion -- to say the least !

But having had several of these kinds of  shirts in the past, I was surprised there  was  a name for it  - a  "Madras Shirt'

January 25, 2009

Obama Halo is Extremely Bright

His Shininess the Mighty Obama !

The bright light shining from the Horizon  is emanating from Barack Obama,  as he gives the Speech of his Final Pre-Election Rally, in Manassass, Virginia.  :)

January 23, 2009

Obama Wishes "Happy Diwali"

Did You all Do your Diya's for the Past Diwali?

Did You Do Fireworks for Diwali?

BTW, Do you know When Diwali falls in 2009? ( I usually Google such things)

January 22, 2009

The Age of Obama

This is the start of  ' The Age of Obama'


January 21, 2009

"That One" is now the President

The election is already in Peoples' Past Memory 

"Memory is a Fickle thing".  

What was interesting is that so many people make a Quick-buck off of Obama even before he was elected. For example, the guy who got the Website after the 2nd Debate, and started selling T-shirts and stickers on it.