December 30, 2008

Spam Text Message in Arabic

I really #%%^$$ HATE *&$#$#@ these guys who send spam SMS

I have NO CLUE what this message says

I checked the Country code where it originated, and it points to Saudi Arabia ... I am tempted to use the "T- word"

December 29, 2008

Domestic Argument

December 28, 2008

December 27, 2008

Did This Movie Inspire Anyone to Run a Marathon?

The Financial Bailout Czar

700 Billion Dollars  !!

Thats a LOT of money.

And  ONE MAN is in charge of it !

This is an article from Wall Street Journal About Neel Kashkari -  Quite Funny Comparison with Hank Paulson  :)

December 25, 2008

The Ancient & The Modern Meet

December 22, 2008

December 20, 2008

King Khan Serendipitous Discovery on iTunes

Roaming IPhone Badge

This is How the IPhone Pone Badge Looks when you are in a Roaming area without Visual Voicmeail

December 18, 2008

India Nokia Ad Featureing Moviesatar Sharuk Khan

WalMart iPhone

A Walmart iPhone is Anticipated Son.

But, It may not Turn out to be the $99 iPhone People were Hoping for

Walmart has already Published a  IPhone App , which is along the Lines of the iPhone App

ECONOMY OR Craponomy !

Not surprising, People let their Ego and Pride, come in the way of facts and reality. 

Here is a great  archive photo , courtesy of Engadget.

Collapsed Stone arch at the Arches national Park

Arches National Park:

This Arch has Crumbled.

Will it be Restored ?

In New Hampshire they want to Restore the Collapsed Old Man of The Mountains.

December 8, 2008

Religious Harmony in India

You will NEVER see this in Pakistan or Afganistan -- OR for that Matter Saudi Arabia & Malaysia.

I couldn't help but notice a post on Deccan Herald (online newspaper) , by a citizen Journalist in Bangalore.
The posting by Akshay (who is probably a youth) is self explanatory.