January 31, 2009

Madras Shirt

I am not up-to date with fashion -- to say the least !

But having had several of these kinds of  shirts in the past, I was surprised there  was  a name for it  - a  "Madras Shirt'

January 25, 2009

Obama Halo is Extremely Bright

His Shininess the Mighty Obama !

The bright light shining from the Horizon  is emanating from Barack Obama,  as he gives the Speech of his Final Pre-Election Rally, in Manassass, Virginia.  :)

January 23, 2009

Obama Wishes "Happy Diwali"

Did You all Do your Diya's for the Past Diwali?

Did You Do Fireworks for Diwali?

BTW, Do you know When Diwali falls in 2009? ( I usually Google such things)

January 22, 2009

The Age of Obama

This is the start of  ' The Age of Obama'

(from cnn.com)

January 21, 2009

"That One" is now the President

The election is already in Peoples' Past Memory 

"Memory is a Fickle thing".  

What was interesting is that so many people make a Quick-buck off of Obama even before he was elected. For example, the guy who got the Website  thatone.com after the 2nd Debate, and started selling T-shirts and stickers on it.

January 19, 2009

Obama, the Hanuman Fan

President Barack Obama is a Fan of  Lord Hanuman - the "Monkey-God" from the Epic Indian Story - Ramayana.

He always carries a 'Murthy' (small idol), in his pocket for good-luck and protection.

Read his book 'Dreams of My Fathers' for background Information on this.

January 18, 2009

Indian-American support Obama

Yeah, its old news but -  this is what India Abroad had said.
Sure , Indian-Americans  can be  'Overwhelming' sometimes ...  :)

January 16, 2009

2008 - What a Year

The front Page Photo published by the Investors Business Daily, best Captured the essence of 2008.

For this I would add:  iPhone Version 2.1 and The App Store

(from Engadget)

January 12, 2009

Ms. Reddy and the Army 10 Mile Race

The army 10 Miler Road Race is Run every year in Washington, DC

The 2008 Womens winner was:  29 year old Veena Reddy from Centerville, VA, who finished in under an Hour.

Reddy, Veena F29 Centreville VA 


January 5, 2009

Indra Nooyi

Indra Nooyi is the First Woman CEO of PEPSICO

She is the First Indian- American Woman CEO to head  a Major US company

Fortune Magazine Ranked her #1  among the Most Powerful Women in U.S.A

January 2, 2009

Al Gore - Numero Uno GEEK !

An old Picture  from the web, I had saved , shows Al Gore in his private Office with a Multi Monitor Computer -- Check out those Huge LCD monitors, Baby !

January 1, 2009

Marine Corps Marathon

The Marine Core Marathon is one of the Big City Marathons in the US.

It is run by nearly 30000 people