August 22, 2008

2008 Kashmir Conflict

(From NY Times/ AP)

"Fifteen people have been killed and hundreds injured in riots and running battles with police since the state’s government rescinded a decision to give about 100 acres of forest land to Amarnath — a Hindu cave shrine containing a revered stalagmite — to build shelters for pilgrims. The move, which followed demonstrations by Kashmir’s Muslim majority, caused violent Hindu protests this week." -- The Times UK

"The government scrapped the transfer last month following protests by Kashmir's Muslim majority. The chief minister of the state, Ghulam Nabi Azad resigned on July 7 , 2008 after the People's Democratic Party pulled out of the coalition government over the planned transfer of land. " - Bloomberg

Conflict in Kashmir is not new. The time has an article from 1965 in its Archives at Times Online

Some Background History on Kashmir is available in this Brief Article at Sindh Today

Today's Crisis a crucial point in the history of India - we will wait and see what happens

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